Librarian - Mrs. Dawn Ekker
Mrs. Ekker can be contacted via the faculty page.
Students in first grade through fifth grade participate in the Accelerated Reader Program, a computer based program which tests students' reading comprehension. . Students who make the 100 , 250, 500 and 1000+ point club will have their names on the window in the library throughout the year. Point club awards are given out during the awards ceremony at the end of the. year. Celebrations for reaching your goal each quarter like free dress day, popcorn, etc. or done after each quarter.
There are over 110,000 AR quizzes available. We do not have every AR book in our library, but we do have access to every AR quiz. Because we have our program online, your child may read any AR book with a quiz, and, although we may not carry it in our library, they will be able to take a test on it.
To determine if your books from home or any other book you may be interested in purchasing are AR books, you may use the AR Bookfinder website. Because there are so many books available to our students, it would not be feasible to print a list for every child. However, the advanced search n the AR Bookfinder website may be used to search for certain book levels and interest levels. You may also look at the collections option for recommendations and lsits of award winning titles.
Teachers determine the AR goals and reading level for their students each quarter. If you have any questions please email the teacher.
Please use this link to check your student's progress from home. Your child's username and password will be needed to log in. This will not allow students to test at home.