The regular school day begins at 7:35 a.m. and ends at 2:35 p.m.
Students are not to arrive on campus before 7:00 a.m. Once on campus, students are to report to the gym and remain seated by classes.
Students are not allowed in the classrooms before morning assembly unless accompanied by a teacher.
Parents are to drop off their students through the carpool line ONLY. Students are not allowed to walk from a parked car either on or off campus.
Morning Assembly begins at 7:35 a.m. in the gym and opens the school day with group prayer and announcements.
Dismissal time is very hectic for everyone. Please follow these dismissal rules:
Only students who live within the immediate area of the school and have a “Walker Permission Form” on file in the school office may be walkers on a regular basis. This form must be updated annually.
Students will be escorted by a teacher and released to a parent/adult in the designated area for walkers to exit the campus. Walker tag must be present to claim the student.
In the event of inclement weather, we will send a text by 1:45 p.m. via RenWeb that all walkers will be carpool. The change will stay in place even if the weather clears.
***Please refrain from using your cell phones while in carpool.
Please become familiar with the routes
Once you enter the church parking lot from 8th St., form a double line.
There is a 4 way stop on the corners of 7th St. and Hickory.
Parents picking up students behind the gym should follow one of the following paths when you get to the corner of 7th St and Hickory:
Please continue to follow the designated route and rules even when school personnel are not present.
Your cooperation is most appreciated as the safety of our students is our primary goal.
***See maps for visual details.***
Afternoon Carpool Route